Sunday 10 July 2011

On the move again 09.07

The order to move was given and having got everything bar the tent and myself into the car the night before I was ready for an early start. With a travel time of 6 hours predicted by Via Michelin I could make the finish and get to camp site in good time.

What neither myself or Monsieur Michelin had allowed for was the first day of the English school holiday get away and the rest of France moving too! After a 9 hour epic journey it was tea time, beer and bed!

I'm writing this on Sunday morning in my sleeping bag. It is proper belting it down. Stair rods with thunder, lightning and hail. You know what I might just stay here and then sprint to the camp site bar and pop the telly on. Not keen on getting wetter with no way of drying out!

Bugger! There go the flood warning sirens again. Might just have to get up. Still, things could be worse I could be in a one man tent with no where else to go. I can of course go and crouch in my porch for a change of scenery.

Hmmm! It's not as good as I was hoping.

One last thought. It's best to move from a 2 star camp site to 4 star camp site rather than the other way round, which is what I did. The transition is brutal!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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