Wednesday 6 July 2011

Camp Golding 2

A morning of driving and some tricky navigating! Directions in one hand, map on lap and an eye out for a policeman. Found it no problem although having told everyone I'm going to Normandy, I'm in Brittany! The give away being the black and white Breton flags everywhere.

Anyway, Camp 2 established and another 15 miles on the clock before tea which was a lovely Coque au Vin from the local butchers.

A combination of rain and traveling in the wrong direction for Le Tour and meant that I had to spend the early evening in the camp site bar watching it on TV and chewing the breeze or shooting the fat with followers campers.

I only have a 3 man tent and one car of kit in the space allocated to a European uber camper family set up. If there is such a thing as camp set up envy then I have got it!!

The loos are a good hike away so am singing a lullaby about not having to get up in the night for a pee or pees!! Hopefully next door will have stopped arguing about the cryptic crossword they are doing and all the dogs will stop barking.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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