Tuesday 5 July 2011

Le Grand Depart

Through a combination of poor planning, camp site faffing and road closures I nearly missed the start! I couldn't get to the acctual Grand Depart but settled for the 0 km sign which is actually where the race proper begins. The precession is just for show. Well that's how I consoled myself. I wanted to get further but the Gendarmes were getting increasingly twitchy as I cycled against the on coming team cars, Le Tour merchandise vans and random press cars.

There is a Gendarmes spaced about every kilometer so it is possible to cycle until they stop you. Get off and apologise, "Oh! Pardon! C'est interdite en velo? Oh! Pardon!" then get back on when out of sight. Repeat until you get where you want to or one gets really shouty. One got really shouty at the 0 km mark, so here I stayed.

Just found my first tic!!

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