Friday 8 July 2011

Cap Frehel finish

I'm sitting writing this dodging showers drinking mint tea and eating milk chocolate rammed into a baguette. Heaven!

A long day today but great fun. This trip is turning out to be my best so far. So far the weather has been good, campsites excellent and I've met so many friendly people to chat to at camp sites and watching Le Tour.

I kicked off with early breakfast and a great 30 mile peddle. Lots of lovely hills on the way out and a 15 mile flat canal towpath home as a reward.
The only real challenge was the wind which, no matter which direction I was cycling in, was a head wind.

A quick change round, half a baguette and I was off to the first start. An hour and a half later having been stuck in Tour traffic and had an interesting de-tour in Dinan I got to the car park. A brisk 40 minute walk and I'm at the line and on my knees.

Couldn't see a thing! Probably needed to be there since first light.
Settling for a view of the run out after the finish I was almost back at the team bus carpark. Luckily there are big screens so I watched the finish, at the finish, on TV!

The peleton flew past and I got pushed along by the crowd to the carpark. There was no security so you could wander around all the busses as the riders came back. I tried to get a pic of Contador but due to his diminutive stature he wasn't visible above the circle of press.

I got some great pics of riders being interviewed, Tony Martin (Cav's lead out man) talking to the TV and Bradley Wiggins warming down on a......can't think what it's called! One of those bikes that you get at the gym that you peddle but don't go anywhere? Sorry very tired. Time for bed and more of the same tomorrow.

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