Sunday 8 May 2011

Where next.....?

It's time to dust off the blog and start writing again. I'm packed. I've checked and I've faffed! (I should be asleep but I'm a little bit excited!)

My world for the next 5 weeks is in a ruck sack and a day pack on the floor at the end of the bed.

The alarm is set for too early o'clock! And we're off......

So where is off? Well since you ask, it is a tour taking in Vienna, Bratislava, Brno, Prague, Krakow, Zakopane, Bialowieza (north east Poland near Belarus), Berlin and Rugen (home to the 4.5 kilometre long 20,000 bed youth hostel). What's the betting it'll be fully booked?

Anyway. Night all. More to follow when I'm on the road.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. you made half those place names up didn't you

  2. doesn't the trip to easton make it into the blog?

  3. I did indeed maker it all up.I'm just sitting at home posting stuff from my bedroom and applying fale tan. Sorry about Easton. We'll do it again when I#m back and I'll do a full blog with pics :-)
