Thursday 19 May 2011

To Prague

Whilst waiting for the regional train from rural Bohemia to the heaving metropolis of Pardubice and then onwards to Prague, this little loco was busy shunting rolling stock.

Each shunting operation had to be signaled by the station master with her flag and whistle. This was obviously much to the annoyance of the engine driver. I passed a happy hour watching a repetition of whistle, wave flag, shunt up the line, shunt back, stop then wave frantically at the station master to start the whole thing again. They were still at it when I left!

I have only spent an afternoon and evening so far in Prague and it is taking me ages to get anywhere as I stop look and take photos of every other building. Not only are the buildings well looked after but the sheer density of great buildings is almost overwhelming. A couple of the highlights from this afternoon were a Greek Othodox church:

The Prague Tower with tv telecoms transmitters on top and babies climbing up it:

The view from the top:

After dinner I had a stroll along Wenceslas Square with an ice cream before the stag and hen parties hit it. There were lots od police but all very low key. Have to say it looked fantastic with all the lights and the promenaders:

Launderette tomorrow, just to keep my feet on the ground.

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