Monday 23 May 2011

Last day in Prague

Well I rounded of my trip to Prague with a trip to a market that had been recommended in all the guides. Turns out it was World of Tat! Bit of a let down but undetered, there was another tower that needed scaling. It was on the top of a hill accessed by a fenicular railway. It looked like a grey Blackpool tower. Built about 1890 and it had a disconcerting sway in the wind. Great view from the top and a clever double helix stair case so you went up one and came down the other flight. Unless that is you are a particularly dim English tourist and you go down the wrong one telling everyone coming up towards you that they are on the wrong stair! Grins sheepishly. I got a very weary shake of the head from the attendant at the bottom. Luckily he didn't send me back up to do it properly!

Pics below:
View from the top

Long way down

Tiny stair, not ideal for passing people coming up!

Lastly I found an intriguing dot on my Prague map. "Prague metronome". So here it is, the worlds biggest metronome in a derelict park and over grown with bushes so not visible from anywhere but still keeping time!

Right I'm off to wait for my bed to arrive.

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