Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 3 - S'Norstle to Launceston

There will be no more Runkeeper updates as it's eating my battery and I need the map app for navigation. So route will be updated each day.

Today's route was from St Austell following the A391 to Bodmin. With some side tracks to keep off the main road a bit. Then a long run along the A30 from Bodmin to just before Launceston.

Have been musing this morning about adding some regular updates and first of these will be pain:

General leg pain reducing early. Bottom pain rising expected high later. Anticipated knee pain remains low thanks to streeeettttcchhingggg! Un-expected elbow pain rising sharply.

While cycling, "policies" are to be implemented to make the way easier or to deal with certain repetitive situations. Policy updates will be filed as required:

Policy update
1. A 'wave at courteous' lorry drivers policy was implemented and immediately withdrawn after a cheery wave nearly resulted in a swerve and dive into a Cornish hedge.

2. No pedaling down hill policy was introduced this morning which is saving a little wear and tear and energy. With panniers the bike wobbles at speed and when this is combined with the playful nudge in the back from the passing lorry "pressure wave", it's a little bit scary so speeds down hill are kept low.

Every morning I hope for a flat mile or so to get myself warmed up and every morning I'm rudely awakened with a horrible couple of miles uphill. This morning was no exception as climbing out of St Austell was a bugger. The rest of the run into Bodmin was lovely and I thought I was going to be done and dusted early.

After a longish stop in Bodmin for new mits as the old ones fell apart yesterday after 3 days, the drag over Bodmin Moor was horrible! Rain, lots of traffic and quite high winds. Spending the majority of the ride in the gutter I was amazed at the amount of roadkill there was. I could avoid most but if a lorry if overtaking, there is no room for manouvre so have to close mouth and eyes tight before ploughing on through!

More of the same tomorrow I guess :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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