Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 15 - Wigan to Slaidburn

There seems to be something of a pattern developing that the mornings are generally a good run and the afternoon are a bit of a challenge. Today was no exception. 

The bonus for this afternoon was meeting Julia and Gordon who cycled with me for a short while and have me directions to Dunsop Bridge which is the geographical centre of the UK. BT put a phone box right on the spot! 

Whilst cycling for the last two days I realised how lucky I am to have been able to undertake this trip. Having passed so many areas over the last couple of days where the people are living hand to mouth and only just getting by it feels very self indulgent to be spending as much money as I have done. The value of my bike alone would keep a family going for a good few weeks. 

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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