Tuesday 16 August 2011

Day 2 - S'Norstle (St Austell)

I knew this was going to be a long day for me having to set a new Personal Best for daily mileage. Having chatted last night to locals in the pub I got directions for a route away from the main roads to Truro. I was assured that there were only a couple of little hills. I must remember next time to ask them if they are cyclists. If they are not then it's best to ignore the directions!!

Hill after punishing hill came my way and in drizzly rain I quietly cursed my new friends from last night. To put a top hat on it I then took a wrong turn but didn't realise until I'd gone a mile and a half down hill. Bugger! I looked at the map and the only thing to do was turn round and go back. That's 3 extra miles and 2 big hills I can ill afford.

The grim and very busy A394 beckoned as the navigation would be easier. The main road whilst busy is easier and the hills felt slightly less sharp. Progress was much faster on the big road but dull. I was soon flying down the hill into Truro. Wearing a yellow top was inviting a lot of attention from bees today and I hit a huge bumble bee in the chest. (My chest that is.) At 30 miles an hour it hurt! Probably him more than me.

Queuing in Marks and Spencer's for supplies I must have stood out like a sore thumb. Bright yellow top, bright red face and an un Godly smell! I think the latter expedited progress towards the till.

I checked the map on my phone expecting 12 miles to S'Norstle and it was 15 miles! How my heart sank. The last leg wasn't dull but can be summed up in a few words:

Cars, hills, clouds, hills, snot, drinking water, hills, eating, hills, swearing at drivers, giving v sign to drivers, hills, helpful lady at Tourist Information, last hill and Bed and Breakfast. So a very happy boy has supper with a pint of Trelawney (I was hoping for "Proper Job" but it was off. Now very ready for bed.

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