Sunday 27 March 2011

Sorry Oslo!

I owe Oslo an apology. I should have been out sight seeing in the warm (4 degree) sunshine this afternoon but I crashed out and slept. I did however manage to fit in the Zoological Museum, Geological Museum and the Edvard Munch Museums. So not bad. There are two versions of The Scream one in the Munch Museum and one in the National Gallery.

When I got to "The Scream" there was a queue of people standing next to it waiting to take each others photo doing the scream! That's what happens if you let the masses in.

The good burghers of Oslo allow access to the Munch museum for free and the man in the ticket office in the Natural History Museum let me in for free. Hurrah!! I can afford some food!!

Pics of the day are:

A something-asaurus and "are you talking to me??"

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ollie,

    Following all your blogs and keeping Freddie and the boys updated on your stories. Great stuff, really good fun to read. Looks very interesting up there, I never made it further north than Stavanger.

    Look forward to reading more.

