Wednesday 23 March 2011

I'm in the Arctic circle!

Well I've made it to Tromso, a couple of hundred miles inside the Arctic circle and a mere 1200 miles from the North Pole. There was a slight delay taking off from Oslo as Tromso airport was closed due to a blizzard. The pilot cheerfully announcing that he'd see how we got on when we got there. After the bumpiest ever final approach in a complete grey out we skidded from side to side along the runway and they promptly closed the airport behind us!!

A couple of snaps of down town Tromso to help cool you down in balmy Winchester!

Time to break out the thermals at last :-)

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  1. 18 degrees here today! what's the temp up there?

  2. Jon. It's currently -6 but tomorrow it'll be a lovely -1 in the sun. Brrr!
