Friday 25 March 2011


A quick word about orientation. When you wander round a city you orient yourself by certain shops or pubs. I'm no expert in the demographics of hairdresser provision per head of population, but Tromso has lots. If such a scientific study were undertaken with proper pier review I'm absolutely certain that Tromso would have an above average number of hairdressers per person. I'll get to the point in a short while.

One of my favourites is "Centimetre Frissor" and I'm not sure if that means they only cut hair to a centimetre or you can only have a centimetre off at a time.

Sorry, to the point. I have been orienting myself using hair dressers and I know when I'm on the right road for the hostel when I get to Rita's Salong. Do you think she has heard if Willy Russell?

Gratuitous bear shot from the polar museum:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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