Thursday 24 March 2011

The frozen north

With the weather closing in I've been trawling Tromso for arts and culture. There is a great theatre here, the Halgoland Theatre. Completely faced in blue engineering bricks and get the picture below, the next time a builder says he can't lay engineering bricks without smearing pug all over the face show him this:

Awesome! Apologies to non Architects.

This one is for Meg, there was a special feature on Neil Gaiman at the library. (There will be photos of the library which is pretty good too.)

Lastly, I went to a place called Polaria where they had seals in captivity and I was there for feeding time which I thought would be great. However, I'm not 100% sure of the value of training seals to play with footballs and pretend to kiss each other.

Lots of Beacham's powders for me to try and shift a cold!

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