Wednesday 22 August 2012

Wasilla and Palmer

Two days left in Alaska and its hit and run time! Leaving Seward behind after a quiet day yesterday taking in the Seward sealife centre which cost me $20 to see a single seal, some grumpy cod and a couple of sulky salmon.
The coffee shops of Seward took a beating as the rain came down and after a strenuous day I went for an early night.

Just after getting tucked up in my cabin/garden shed there was a knock on the door. "We're going salmon snagging do you want to come?"

Oh ok! All six of us at the hostel piled into the back of the hostel owners boyfriend's camper van with waders, fishing rods and 2 dogs. After a short drive down the road and a much longer one along a dirt track we all jumped out in the dark to wade across the estuary to get to the salt water channel. We fished for an hour in the dark and snagged some small dog salmon which we put back and then piled back in the camper. Lucky me got the leaky waders and wet feet!

It's a longish drive from Seward to Anchorage with a stop to see the Portage Glacier and a couple of stops to see Beluga whales along Turnagsin Arm. This stretch of water was named Turnagain but Captain Cook as he had to turn the ship around again when he got to the end.

I ended up in the little town of Palmer about 40 miles north of Anchorage. I called in to Wasilla to see Sarah Palin but she was'nt home which was a shame.

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