Tuesday 7 August 2012

Northern lights......FINALLY!!

I said farewell to my new biker mates, exchanged contact details and very much hope to run in to them again some time soon. One couple had been on the road for 18 months with another 18 to go and another couple had been on the road for 5 years!! Camp was quite noisy last night with people chatting so having dozed on and off I heard someone say "It's the Aurora". It was very warm in my sleeping bag but I knew if I didn't get up and make sure that it wasn't just a cloud I'd really kick myself.

So shivering out in the clear night, having struggled out of the tippi I looked up to see a faint ribbon of green plasma snaking and rippling across the sky. It's all the cliches that you've ever heard about it and quite quite magical. It went on for about 30 or 40 minutes before a combination of moonlight and sun rise (yes still getting bloody long days here - ie sunset at 11pm and sunrise at 2am) the lights faded.

They were too dim for any decent pics but I was pretty chuffed after slogging all the way the bloody Tromso last year and not seeing a sausage!

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