Thursday 12 July 2012

Inglewood nature reserve

Back at white trash HQ and recovering from a bit of a hike! In a southern suburb of Calgary was a little nature reserve that I walked to and bussed back. I was in need of some exercise and Calgary would have been hot and mad today!

I got my first proper introduction to Mosquitos near the water today. Any time you stop to look at something they decent and start sucking blood! Not allergic reactions yet!! I might have slapped them just in time.

The irritation of the mosquitos was worth it to see a couple of Bald Eagles fishing in the river, a pretty little brown job called a Cedar Waxwing and Prairie Dogs which look like a very cute pest. There were hundreds of them running riot, fighting, squeaking and burrowing all over the place. They look like plain brown Chipmunks. Very cute. Packing again for a short hop over the Rockies to Vancouver tomorrow.

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