Saturday 14 July 2012

Day in Vancouver

It's a lot cooler here than the rest of Canada in more ways than one! Canada in general is a pretty laid back place but Vancouver is more laid back than the rest of Canada. Is the whole of the Western seaboard of North America like this?

Lots of walking and riding on the False Creak ferry. I took a wrong turn in Chinatown and ended up on the wrong side of Hastings and Main which is the Heroin capital of BBC (Beautiful British Columbia). Literally within a block the whole place changed. Burnt out buildings, people literally selling 'anything and everything' on the street. I don't think I've seen so many broken people in one place and so close to all the beautiful people of Vancouver!

So it was hands in pockets, no eye contact and head down until I felt ok again. A couple of blocks and some furtive glances later and I found myself in front of a Bulthaup kitchen showroom. I must be back in the middle classes again! If you're selling your body for drugs you can't afford a kitchen let alone a Bulthaup!

There's a steam powered clock that looks like Big Ben and chimes the same chimes but with a steam whistle. A ferry must have docked and disgorged as 4,000 people decided to join me looking at the clock.

Long walk along the north shore to watch the seaplanes coming and going. I'd love to have a trip but not at a hundred bucks for 10 minutes!

Leggo whale on the sea front, some free music and more walking I was done. Random pics below.

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