Saturday 17 September 2011

Day 32 - Strathy to John O'Groats

Having recovered the abandoned bike the evening before, all was set for the last day. The ferocious wind of the previous day had all but gone and the day promised to be dry wig even a little sunshine. Following the coast road, the last few hills of Sutherland proved to be pretty stiff especially when you are at the point when the finish can't come soon enough. 

Once over the county border into Caithness the terrain changed pretty abruptly to gently rolling moorland. Just trying to keep the legs moving took more effort than before and I kept rushing rather than pacing myself and making steady progress. Thurso was midway between Strathy and John O'Groats and called in to sort out my train home. Assuming I could get me and the bike on the Friday night sleeper it was at first a bit of a blow to have to wait until Tuesday night. However, having come all this way it would be good to hang around a bit. With a hostel booked in Thurso and a bacon buttie inside it was time for the last 20 miles.

The sun came out and there was a slight possibility of sunburn! I filled my pockets up with peanuts and raisins and wine gums so that I didn't have to stop again.  Setting off for the last little bit and impatience got the better of me and the pace was too high! Food and water got shoveled in while flying along the road as the miles counted down. The road never seemed to end and it really felt like the goal kept moving. I was busy cursing and swearing when I recognised the roof of the old John O'Groats hotel to the north of me. The last left turn and a down hill run in beautiful autumn sunshine and it was finished. 


  1. Glad to see you made it mate and your predictions of a headwind from Tongue for me where mostly correct but I persevered and made 80 miles that day.

    I'm nice and warm at home now in South Shields but I had to give up in the last couple of miles as it got dark and one of my lights failed and the other got dimmer by the minute which is pretty dangerous on country roads. I made it from Edinburgh to Embleton and worked it out as 116 miles in one long day.

    I'm looking forward to next year when I will be attempting LE to JOG like yourself. I'm sure this blog will come in very handy!
