Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 20 - Abington to Glasgow

Very straightforward navigation again as I was following the N74 cycle route through:

Then into the city centre. I wasn't looking forward to the ride through the city centre as I'd got so used to pretty much clear roads over the last few days. Together with the fact that previous experience in towns in North Wales had been pretty poor! 

Hats off to the drivers of Glasgow as everyone kept their distance and I didn't get cut up once. Not a single horn blast and no verbal abuse. All in all it was a great ride. The route in was pretty quiet being a Saturday and not many people about. Celtic were either not playing or playing away maybe. 

As soon as I hit the city centre it was heaving and after having been cycling through pretty sparsely populated areas of the country Glasgow was a real shock!

Supper at the hostel then a stroll into town to sample the night life before another early night. Forty odd miles today so feeling it a bit this afternoon. 

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