Thursday 8 September 2011

Day 25 - Glen Coe to Invergarry

After my sort of day off yesterday I was raring to go!

With a South Westerly behind me I flew into Fort William covering the 17 miles in about an hour and ten minutes. Pretty quick for me. Still no sign of the top of Ben Nevis. I've been here three bloody times now and not a sight!

On the way into Fort William I bumped into a cyclist who was on his way to the west coast to tour round and I was complaining about the A82. He suggested that I go left just after Fort William to Banavie then right at Banavie to Clunes. At Clunes I could then take a cycle path to Invergarry. Perfect I'll do that. 

After picking up some supplies I gooses the new route and was treated to a fantastic run on quiet roads that had magnificent views and were just hilly enough to be interesting. At Gerlochy the swing bridge was just opening to let the 'Vic 32' through. Just found out that the Vic 32 is the last sea worthy 'Clyde Puffer'. Clyde Puffers were coastal steamers that used to ship freight all around coastal Scotland and the Islands. 

After the excitement at Gerlochy I didn't think the day could possibly get any better. However, the 'cycle path' tip from random cyclist bloke turned out to be a Forestry Comission mountain bike trail/logging haul road! 

Turning the front suspension back on I rattled over 10 miles of stoned and cinders cursing the random cycling man! It was great fun bur hard work and a little bit hairy at times going down hill. Once of the forestry road I could follow the Great Glen Way until I had to rejoin the A82 a couple of miles short of the hostel. 

A great independent hostel called the Invergarry Lodge awaited. Beer food and bed after what was probably one of the best days cycling I have ever had. Stuff that day dreams are made of....

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