Sunday 11 September 2011

Day 27 - Lewiston to Alness

Had a bit of a shock this morning with a really stiff climb from Drumnadrochit over the hill to Beauly. When you're not expecting a hill they seem to be longer and steeper than anything done before. 

Once that little bugger of a hill was out of the way it was pretty much a down hill run into the village of Beauly. Sitting in the cafe over a bacon and egg butty I had a really strong sense of deja vue. This time it wasn't deja vue, I'd eaten in the sane cafe about 2 years ago when I was driving down the Great Glen to Oban. It wasn't until I was eating my butty that I remembered. 

After re-fueling at Beauly I followed the road through Muir of Ord up to Dingwall battering against a head wind pretty much all the way. The battering continued through the town and then along the side of the water to join up with the A9 and into Alness. 

After cleaning up there was a quick trip down to the waters edge to look at the oil rigs parked in the firth. Curry, beer and bed were calling. If course Saturday night is disco night and my room luckily right over the disco. Major whinge until I got a different room. 

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