Friday 14 September 2012

Tourist trail

I was on a bit of a tourist trail yesterday and everywhere I went the tour buses kept turning up but there were some amazing sights to be seen. On the way up to see the boiling, spouting geysers a party of Japanese tourists had bogged their mini van down on the side of the road. It was I'm right up to the axels.

I stopped to try and help but they didn't speak a word of English. Driving one of them to a garage, the owner kindly called the police but they wouldn't come out. They said it was their own fault and had to call the hire company. I tried to explain this but to no avail.

I drove the chap back to the van. By this time a German couple had stopped along with a Danish couple. Both tried but broke their ropes.

Just as the rain started coming down even heavier a passing 'monster truck' stopped. These are the ones with wheels as high as me but a tiny can on top. It stopped, backed up, an enormous Icelander jumped down, puled out his towing strip, hit hitched up the van and dragged the van out leaving it halfway across the road. He looked at them like they were something on the bottom of his shoe and drove off without a word. It didn't help that they had parked right next to a sign indicating a soft verge and no parking!!

So after all that fun the geysers were good but very busy with coach loads of people waiting for the geyser to blow every few minutes. The biggest water falls in Iceland at Gulfoss were amazing. You can hear the thundering of the water as you walk to the falls and long before you see them.

Rest of the day was pootling round old volcanoe calderras, remote churches and just soaking up the views.

Before the in flight films start there is a promotional film about Iceland and a shot of beautiful people swimming in this 25m pool with a 1950's pool house and volcanic escarpments behind it. It looked pretty cool and is in the village where I'm staying. So with a bracing 5 degrees outside I went for a dip. The main pool is like a warm bath and there are hot tubs to finish after the swim. Fantastic!

The farm has a dog and the cat just jumped on my lap...

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