Monday 3 September 2012

St John's

On the move again today on account of being woken up by noisy neighbours (it's a hostel....I know but it was excessive), having my beer nicked and food trashed then finding people asleep on the kitchen floor!! I'm getting way too old for this!

The ladies at the tourist office took pity on me and set about finding me suitable accommodations. The older lady asked me how much I was paying, sucked her teeth and said "I'll find you better for less!"

Mind you St Johns is full! It's labour Day weekend and all the parents are dropping their little darlings of to start Fresher's week next week. So negotiations went something like this and bear in mind they had just told me there wasn't a spare room to be had in the city:

"Leonard it's Norma from the tourist. I have a fella here needs a bed for the week. He had a little incident at the no. Just lost his food and beer!"


"You do. That's grand. What'll it be. 90 bucks a night and you'll have to move him a couple nights....."

Without even looking at me...."Lennie. He's shaking his head. It's the moving and the cost. Thanks all the same."

Err! I thought that was the only room in St John's and you turned it down?

"Ah! No. You see with Lennie I need to put a little bug in his ear. He'll call back."

Sure enough a couple of minutes later the phone rang. "Leonnard! Will I put you hold just a tick I have a shop full." A big wink from Norma!

"Now Leonnard what I can I do for you. He is still here. Oh you can.....staying in the same room......65 bucks a night. Yes I think so, he has a big smile on his face. I'll send him round."

With that I got new digs.....

So between moves. Signal Hill beckoned which was a little walk up to the signal station where Marconi Received the first transatlantic rafik signal. I finished the day with fish and chips at Ches's which came recommended by a neighbour of Mr Skipper's who is a "Newfy".....

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