Sunday 9 September 2012

Quiet few days

It's been a quiet few days here in S John's. The busy port is home to a fair sized fishing fleet, container ship docks, coast guard cutters and the oil rig supply ship fleet. There are big oil fields off the Newfoundland coast which need supplying round the clock. Overhead the rig crew helicopters shuttle backwards and forwards at the shift change and then the whole torn is turned on its head with the arrival of the cruise ship. Only three a week but a pilot is required to bring the ship in the The Narrows and a small armada of tugs to turn the liners round when they leave. It's too tight for them manoeuvre on their own.

In the room next to me is a lady who verbally abuses someone on the phone most of the night which was amusing at first but it's wearing a bit thin now. It's either that or she works a chat line for people who enjoy being shouted at! Either way she's proper scary so I'm using ear plugs rather than asking her to shut up. I'm proper frit!

Some shots below of various hikes. With the weather turning cloudy and cold I've got a car for tomorrow to explore the island and a couple of recommended routes to follow.

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