Sunday 24 June 2012

Whale bones, bassalt beaches, moody skies and ducking Terns

Went in search of Puffins and Seals today but found neither. Driving round the Snaefellsness Peninsula in the rain I did come across a huge whale bone used to mark the entrance to a well. Out on the far Western tip of the peninsula were black bassalt beaches deserted apart from some hardy little alpines. No idea where they get food and nutrition from.

Not a Puffin or Seal in sight but an Artctic Fox ambled across the road in front of me and hung about while I got the bins out and followed him for about 10 minutes as he skulked about looking for nests to raid. Don't see many of those fellas round here.

I did come across many hundreds of Arctic Terns and got mobbed again. You hear a few warning clicks before getting a smack on the head. Don't look up! They'll have your eye out! It's fun/exciting at first but quickly gets pretty annoying.

Couple of pics below. Very pleased with the fox spot today.

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